Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Christmas Day 2007!

Ha, I had to lead off with this one. Me and the bro Francisco.

Hoorah! Well you would think that the early bishop’s would have chosen a day for Christmas that was colder in all parts of the world! Oh well. I’m just writing write now, while listening to some Andrew Peterson/Jars of Clay Drummer Boy to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and to fill my fam in on my Christmas Eve experience.

Nice gift Ansley, well done.

It was actually really cool, I was in the town early that morning, and ate pupusas at my normal little shop there. I walked around the market a little bit, met Rick online for a few to test out our video connection (more on that in a sec haha), then made the trek back to the house.

Margherita, the sis....crazy kat.

The rest of the morning I spent picking coffee of the trees, and then cutting bananas down with Don Raul at on his sis’ land and near some land he has near his dad’s house. By the way…his dad is on his 83rd year and was working up a storm here, crazy old guy.


I love bananas, and he gave me some to hang up in the house and let mature….I never knew there were so many kinds! Anyways, I ate lunch there, then headed back and napped on the hammock.

My Spanish teachers haha.

After bucket bathing really quick, I whipped up a Jello NO BAKE Cheesecake, which with the other OREO cake, was left by Aaron….they are awesome….no baking and only need like milk and butter and sometimes sugar. I brought it all later in time for dinner as a surprise for dessert and it went over really well… well as the santa hat that Ansley sent haha….. they def got a kick out of that. Watch the progression below:

I have my hat.

Not any more.

Moving down the line.

Still going.

Sweet, got it back.

We ate Pan Rellenos, which is like lettuce like stuff, tomato, chicken, cucumber and some kinda salsa in a kind of sub sandwich bread. They were really good… I ate 4. We joked about the dessert and then actually tried it….it wasn’t too terrible. We sat around the rest of the night and joked and danced a tad and played with the little twinklers fireworks things…. And what were basically m80s. Fun stuff.

Today, however, I woke up early and left some gifts and candy canes, on the neighbors tables, once again, thanks to Ansley, haha. My El Sal mom caught me though, because as I walked up in my santa hat, she came out of the house! I blasted her for not being at Mass, but she said since we were up late they decided to go to the 9 as well. HA….slackers. So I told her not to tell and left the stuff on their table. I am going to go back over for bfast…even though I usually eat that here.

Oh yeah, quick Christmas miracle, my phone’s entire flex part died yesterday, but after some petitioning, this morning, IT WAS REBORN!!!! Mwhahahaha.

Finally, after Mass today with the El Sal fam, I am going to go to my little internet abode in the casa de Nina Delfina, and Rick and Cari and I have arranged a little face to face video chat on AIM to surprise the parents, haha. Rick and I already checked it out, and it seemed to work. So that should be really interesting. The rest of the day should be chillin.

“Según lo prometido, Dios sacó de su descendencia un Salvador para Israel: Jesús. Antes de que llegara, Juan predicó a todo Israel un bautismo de conversión; y, cuando estaba para acabar su vida, decía: ‘Yo no soy quien pensáis; viene uno detrás de mí a quien no merezco desatarle las sandalias.’”

According to the promise, God took from your descendents a Savior for Israel: Jesus. Before arriving, John preached a baptism of conversion to all of Israel; and, when his life was coming to an end, he said, I am not who you think; one comes behind me whose sandals I am not worthy of untying.

Paul, in Acts of the Apostles

(Part of the Christmas Vigil Liturgy for all Catholics Worldwide)

A Very Merry Christmas to My Fam in the States.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, little brother. I missed seeing you yesterday. Another day, perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Happy 2008!! Christopher and I enjoyed your phone call last week. Glad to know all is well. Christopher is heading back to Greenville for New Years Eve...lets hope there is not a repeat performance of last year!! Be safe. Jan Gilliland