Monday, December 10, 2007

Settling In

December 7, 2007
Happy Birthday Brother Williams!
Ya old fart. I hope the Pita House and PF Changs held you over today….jerk. Hah. Its all good. Exciting news, tomorrow I’ve decided to start eating oranges again….wahooooo. I have an unhealthy obsession for those things.
My stomach adjusting here to random things is ever fun, but its cool, I think its getting adjusted.
I’ve been out and about in the community here and there. I sat in on the Health Committee’s meeting today and the ADESCO’s meeting the other day. I’m meeting with the school director tomorrow in town before Mass. Actually it turns out that the lady’s house I go to for internet is his Aunt, so we are going to meet there, while I pay may debt. Yes, debt. The other day I went into town to use the internet and send some letters, but halfway through my time on the computer I left to send some stuff while the post office was open, only to realize I had left my wallet at home. So, I couldn’t pay for that, nor for the internet I was using, and when I told her, instead of getting mad, she gave me a cup of coffee and my favorite quesadilla bread……so sweet. She always has a handicapped son that is always there who is really nice and actually knows a lot about computers.
Anyways, so that’s all going well. And, everything is set for the LA professor and his son to come now, I think on Tuesday. The only thing is that I have to find things for us to do in the community for 2 days, I mean, I can’t even find enough things for myself to do for 2 hours….haha. I might have to email Aaron for suggestions.

“Fall down seven times, stand up eight.”

December 9, 2007

Well, as I said, I'm not quite sure what you're day was filled of, but I'm sure it was gloriousness and screaming of kids and spitupping. Haha, you are officially 11 years older than me for a monthy and a half.
So portion control on breakfast, yeah, still need to work on that for one person. I seem to have a habit of making too much for me to eat, although I always eat it all, but it uses up too much of my resources and is just… well too much. Also, the milk here that comes in boxes, wow, not the tastiest stuff ever, but it goes fine in cooking things and in cereal so, I guess that’s good. Come night time though, man, I am a snack machine, rationing my snacks so I don’t run out too soon is always a helpful retardant though.

There are many more pancakes on that plate than this view makes it seem.

I’ve started a Sunday morning ritual now of making pancakes or French toast. French toast is harder though because it is hard to keep sliced bread on hand, but I made like 10 pancakes today and ate them all, they were tasty.

Mmmm oatmeal pie.

My kitchen.

I met my boss’ Rolando’s brother in the pueblo yesterday on accident at Nina Delfina’s, the place I do internet. I ran in there before Mass to finish trying to download the season premiere of Smallville, which I might add I finally accomplished, only to find out that night that it somehow just gave me the audio, wonderful. Apparently he heard that’s where I was going and asked if I was Catholic, when I answered yes, he responded with he didn’t believe it… English, hahaha. So he wanted to practice and we did for a while, but then he told me that he didn’t believe that I was a gringo and Catholic, because all the US was Protestant. Then I felt compelled to mention that we are the second most populated Catholic nation, next to Italy. The puzzled expression is the best. I left the whole 200 million Protestant number out of the picture haha. He eventually told me he was a pastor in San Sal. Didn’t wanna go there with the boss’ brother. It was all good, although he kept inviting me his “field” to play soccer I think.
Anyways, weird.

I finished the Inferno. Crazy stuff, but I thought it was really good. I particularly enjoyed the use of Greek Mythology to relay Christian messages, a good measure of the reentry of the classics at the time…aka the rise of Thomas Aquinas. Also, the whole thing just make’s you see Hell’s doors as much wider than the world makes them out to be sometimes. It’s was always interesting to note the number of people he had in Hell that Dante seemed to see as decent people but with a certain vice that they struggled with. He would have compassion for them, or yet their better side, and then his guide would have to remind him that these people were in Hell, haha. Then Virgil, his guide, would always comment on the fact that…. There are more people in that hole than you think….. I think a lot of times nowadays the world plays on the fact that most everyone is going to heaven. When in reality, that might not be so easy a task.
Purgatorio should prove interesting.

“And I—my head oppressed by horror—said: “Master, what is it that I hear? Who are those people so defeated by their pain?” And he to me: “This miserable way is taken by the sorry souls of those who lived without disgrace and without praise. They now commingle with the coward angels, the company of those who were not rebels nor faithful to their God, but stood apart. The heavens, that their beauty not be lessened, have cast them out, nor will deep Hell receive them—even the wicked cannot glory in them.”

In the Ante-Inferno, Canto III, Dante’s Inferno, p. 69


Anonymous said...

Oh, you are in so much trouble. No happy birthday to me, huh? Big time trouble. :-)

Unknown said...


Your adventures and experiences sound interesting and unique! Do you put bananas in your pancakes? after reading that, I have a terrible craving for french toast and pancakes. Take care and keep posting!

Anonymous said...

Please allow me to put on my nerd glasses...What I got most out of the Inferno is how the people made hell for themselves by distorted virtues. Most people focus on the gruesome scenes, but fail to realize that the torments there are just the clarity of what there tragic sin has always been doing to them. They have been transformed into people ruled by their vices.

That is why Purgatorio was my favorite, as it shows those, who while not perfect, had the sense to seek redemption and though they suffer loss up the mountain, do so happily for the reward they seek. I would keep an eye out for the contrast os Dante's use of suffering in the two.

Peace out!

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about Cari its there!!!???!!! HAHA. I'm really sorry, I added the one about Rick the day of because I had just talked to him, but the timing of your call and my post was different so it didn't come to mind to put it as the title. But I called you on your birthday dufus!!!

John, I knew we got along well for some reason...we both bought our glasses at the same store. That's a really good point to which I'll have to pay attention.

Kellen, whats going on girl, long time no talk, I just finished hosting a boy at my house that is from Louisiana, he's a sophomore at ULL. Great kid, brought me reese's :)

Also, I've been advised that there is another package at the Peace Corps main office for me........... someone is in trouble.