Monday, January 14, 2008

War of the Worlds

January 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Jerry!!!

At least I’m pretty sure it’s his birthday. I get the numbers off my phone so, so much for calling him haha. Oh yeah and by the way Daddy, just found out that Don Raul is the same age as you, just a few months older I think. Cool beans.

Well the past few days have been nice, its actually gotten cloudy for a few days here and a little cooler. I actually have a little bit of a scratchy throat, although I think I that it came from everyone having it at the neighbors.

There was a small war that took place the past week, I can’t remember if I had mentioned it or not. For the past week I kept finding ants in my bed at night for some reason, and I would have to kill all of them before going to sleep, but I always got bit during the night. So finally I took an evening to get my battle on. I had the shirt and hat backwards with the headlamp on and my broom and my lighter. I pulled the bed out and hang the bug net up and find the source. Where the pila (water basin) is slowly leaking in from the outside in the corner of my room, the ants had build a nice large base of operations. In addition though, I found 4 or 5 HUGE spiders that were chillin back there in the dark on the other end of the bed…..I’m not sure what kind they were, but I decided I would feel better I were the only living thing on or around my bed. The spiders were the first to go, but before I could airlift the bodies out, the ants were all over two of them. I tried burning them all up, which had worked in the past, but my lighter thing ran out of juice. At this point, the kids came in and offered some kind of poison in a white powder from their house, which I ended up using and it worked really well. Later that day I finished the battle with a nice sweeping out of the entire room. There has been peace ever since J
I’ve been working on an embassy grant this week that I just got wind of for the church building in San Pedro, and I have to meet with Father Tino tomorrow after Mass, but before my bus leaves haha. We’ve only got a week before I have to go to the capital to turn it in…figures. I’ve also finished my letter to the bishop in the US, and its Spanish translation for distribution, so hopefully I can get that going as well for help with the church and the creation of my partnership system. At least that’s my goal, to set up parish partners between US parishes and Latin parishes for all kinds of help….but that’s for later, its in the works right now.

I laughed last night, Don Raul, who is always full of funny questions on US culture and religion, when I was leaving asked me to explain the “work of the 70” in accordance with Church History. I had no idea what he was talking about at first, and he claimed to not know much more, just from a brief comment in some Bible class that was going on in the town. That narrowed it down for me though on the Bible class, and I guessed it must be the Septuagint. So instead of leaving, I sat back down, and in what they dubbed story time, haha, I told the story of the rise of the Greek language, that it was different from Hebrew haha, and how the Old Testament was affected by it, etc, with interspersed questions, to the best of my Spanish ability. Jose, the kid told me that we have to have story time every night, haha. Crazy family. The culture here cracks me up in that they are clueless on world issues and the history of their belief (which we usually claim as a strong point of Catholicism and its doctrine), and only have the Bible to work with, yet they go crazy in it and still are raging Catholics.

Oh well, such is life. I forgot the pics... next time i come i shall bring.

“The greatest sounds on Earth are often heard in silence.”

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