Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Still no mail

November 20, 2007

Still no mail today….bunch of slackers in charge of peace corps haha. Its been like 3 weeks since anyone got letters, or boxes. The main thing is that we are waiting on a box that has stuff in it for our thanksgiving meal. We’ll see. Today we did a bunch of random stuff in San Vicente and planted some vegetables in some random guys field. Nothing extremely crazy…although I didn’t get the chance to talk with med.
I had to bring the letter home today that the fams were not invited to the swearing in for the first time ever. They put a bunch of excuses in it for them, but told us that in the past it used to be in the embassy and catered with a ton of food etc. Oh well. Peace Corps itself is now living at the standard of mercados here. Haha.
Im off to San V. tomorrow to get some internet work done and shop in the market for the meal we are going to have Thursday for thanksgiving.

My meal upon returning from San Sal....soo good. Egg, beans, avocado, bread.

The mom is yelling at the kid to get off my bed right now….he’s such a punk.

I have marked a million things in this book that I could quote, but these will be the last, I’m sure people are tired of him…poor dead old fart. I start Lord of the Flies tomorrow.

“Like all heresies, Mohammedanism lived by the Catholic truths which it had retained. Its insistence on personal immortality, on the Unity and Infinite Majesty of God, on His Justice and Mercy, its insistence on the equality of human souls in the sight of their Creator—these are its strength.
But it has survived for other reasons than these; all the other great heresies has their truths as well as their falsehoods and vagaries, yet they have died one after the other. The Catholic Church has seen them pass, and though their evil consequences are still with us the heresies themselves are dead.
The strength of Calvinism was the truth on which it insisted, the Omnipotence of God, the dependence and insufficiency of man; but its error, which was the negation of free-will, also killed it. For men could not permanently accept so monstrous a denial of common sense and common experience. Arianism lived by the truth that was in it, to wit, the fact that the reason could not directly reconcile the opposite aspects of a great mystery—that of the Incarnation. But Arianism died because it added to this truth a falsehood, to wit, that the apparent contradiction could be solved by denying the full Divinity of Our Lord.
And so on with the other heresies. But Mohammedanism, though it also contained errors side by ide with those great truths, flourished continually, and as a body of doctrine flourishing still, though thirteen hundred years have passed since its first great victories in Syria.” (p. 74)
And a final quote on one of the characteristics of the Reformation:
“Thirdly (and this is much the most important character) there appear among the revolutionaries an increasing number who are not so much concerned to set right the evils which have grown up in the thing to be reformed, as filled with passionate hatred of the thing itself….” (p.111)


Anonymous said...

Hey Rhett. Megan and I tried to call you tonight on our calling card but it keeps saying the call cannot be completed as dialed. Are you sure its correct? I am dialing 011-503-7514-2432. Do you have voicemail? Anyway, I know this is a big week for you!! Good luck with the swearing in and let us know about the number. We bought this card so you dont have to pay to call us.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

that is the right number...and i do have a voicemail, but sometimes you have to dial different numbers with the international cards... just fidget with it

other than that im not sure... cari and hagar have one that works, maybe ask them?