Saturday, July 25, 2009

Computer Problems

So, my laptop has taken a turn for the worse here in "The Savior", so its been hard to update the blog with the pics as normal. I have all the fotos saved on my external harddrive, but its hard to keep taking it to the main town to send everything off, or updates and all that jazz. I hope that its just a software problem (doubtful), because if its not my video card is slowly dying what seems to be a more and more painful death (for me). But in the end, Im sure it will make me a better person because working without a computer is hard!!! Living without a computer, not too shabby, but working without one, makes things interesting. The disks to try and reinstall everything should hopefully come in soon, so we´ll see how bad it is soon.

If I get a chance sometime in the near future I will try and upload some of the pics to the previous post with the external.

In other news, it is official, we finished the Peace Corps Partnership grant and supposedly the money is on the way. THANK YOU to all who participated, and I hope that you continue to help out with some of the last projects that I mentioned in the previous post.

If anyone ever has any questions... look me up on skype at rhett.williams.

This quote is from the Patron Festivals program that we just finished making for our community festivals of Santo Domingo de Guzman, coming up Aug 1-8.

"A man who governs his passions is master of his world. We must either command them or be enslaved by them. It is better to be a hammer than an anvil."

St. Dominic, 12-13 Centuries

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